School Indigenous Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Indigenous Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Indigenous show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Music of the Earth - "A Celebration of World Cultures & the Earth!"

Mysterious, exciting, fun and educational, with dozens of instruments from 5 continents!  Unique, interactive Multi-Cultural world music assemblies with giant drums, Indian snake-charmer, crystal singing bowls, Australian didgeridoos, Chinese gongs, Native American... > View Profile

Mexican Folklore and Native American Storyteller and musician

The legend of Kokopelli, an incredible Native American tale, was passed down to Rich by his elders during his youth. Now, Rich shares this enchanting legend with children across the United States, Europe, and parts of Asia. The Navajo legend illustrates why people worldwide... > View Profile

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Physics: LocoMotion: The Science & Circus Arts Show

National Juggling Champion and kinetic comedian Peter Davison presents juggling, unicycling, balancing, acrobatics, and more, while teaching the science behind the artistry. This S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, ARTS, Math) program is a perfect mix of education and... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Music with a Message

Billboard Charting Singer, Caley Rose, brings confidence tools into schools through her interactive SEL empowering music program, Music with a Message.  Music with a Message empowers students through confidence boosting pop music, motivational speaking and... > View Profile

Magic: Scott's Magic School Show

The adventure begins the moment the Scott enters the room. Your guests, not knowing what to expect, are anxious with anticipation and gather as a symphony of sound and color announces the show. Nothing spurs guest's wonder more than an illusion drawn from thin air. Doves... > View Profile

Animal: Wild Wonders Animal Programs

Wild Wonders provides unique educational experiences with animals from around the world. Our informative and interactive programs can be talored to fit your needs. During school assemblies, field trips, and classroom presentations we teach animal science in a fun-filled... > View Profile

Music: Sensational High Energy Shows

Andy Graham's School Program is a fun, exciting, and educational way to bring the didgeridoo into your school in the form of assemblies and workshops. Andy's energetic rhythm-based approach to the didgeridoo and drums has been enjoyed by audiences in the US and Europe... > View Profile

Puppet: Splash into Books

Make a Splash with a Book: Come along as we splash into books and show how reading can be fun and important to all of us. Plenty of student participation, Croco the gator puppet makes a book come to life, watch a Library Card appear before everyone's eyes, Great Music and... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Making a Difference

The 'Youth4Youth Program' and 'Ultimate Leadership Training' develops leadership and success skills in youth, empowering them to create solutions and make a difference in their school building, community and beyond. This is a Character Education, leadership... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Prof Denno's Comedy Science Show

Prof. Denno, (Dennis Regling), will have your students and teachers laughing and learning about science and the world around us. “You’ll feel great knowing you have a top-notch science assembly program that motivates kids to explore science on their... > View Profile

African: African drums, songs and stories

Drums, Songs and Stories Celebrating Africa and the African Diaspora: An interactive program for all ages featuring: Drums: Djembe, Djun-Djun, Talking Drum, Congas, Tar, Riq and other percussion instruments from Africa and the African Diaspora as well as cool sound effects... > View Profile

Career: Being Deliberate

Motivational talk about getting started in life by being deliberate and making good choices about jobs, school, majors, friends, impression management, volunteer work, experiences, life choices, resumes, interviews, etc. Also details how lack of exposure results in lack of... > View Profile

African: The African Natural World

The great continent of Africa is under severe threat! And even though it's half a world away we can still be concerned and learn about some of the creatures and the habitats that make up this wonderland. This program uses live animals like pythons, frogs and turtles combined... > View Profile