School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Tennessee TN

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Tennessee TN. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below. You may also search for a specific show type or age group.


Recommended Providers: The Story Ship

The Story Ship shows combine awesome animation, puppetry, comedy-theater, magic and music into incredibly innovative children's shows. The sets include a large video projection system that brings the animation alive. A live actor and the audience interact with the... > View Profile

Science: Does Spaghetti Bounce? Science Show For K-8

Does Spaghetti Bounce?  Liquids, Solids, Gasses “You’ll feel great knowing you have a top-notch science assembly program that motivates kids to explore science on their own.” Students learn about the states of matter through amazing... > View Profile

Science: Weird & Wacky Science Show

The Weird Science Show is an interactive program keeps the students engaged and laughing while introducing and building upon scientific concepts that compliment and reinforce their classroom studies. Students will not only learn about electrons, air flow, air pressure and the... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Laser Safari

Take your students on an amazing adventure exploring two intriguing ecosystems, the African Serengeti and Amazon Rainforest. Our expert tour guide uses laser animations to take your students on an incredible safari to learn about unusual inhabitants that have adapted to thrive... > View Profile

History: Amazing Inventions And Their Inventors. History Meets Science

Inventions have shaped our world, and we benefit from them daily. Where did they come from? Who invented them? What's next? In this fun, funny and thought-provoking program, Mr. Dennis looks at steam engines, silly putty, light bulbs, peanut butter, and other major inventions... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: "Super Me!"

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! Take your kids up to the next level in Anti-Bullying training! “Super Me” is a fast paced theatrical adventure that combines high-energy hip-hop dance, intense... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: TOP Character Development Program in the NATION!!

FIND OUT WHY OVER 7000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT & BULLY PREVENTION Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual IRISH MUSIC - "Bagpipes and More!"

Participants are treated to the thrilling sound and spectacle of the bagpipes played by a piper in full kilt!  Stories are shared about the pipes' history and mythology, and different types of traditional bagpipe music and attire are explained and demonstrated. Students... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: GO BIG BMX AIR Show ANTI-BULLYING Assembly

“An Unforgettable Action Sports Assembly with Powerful Anti-Bullying & Motivational Youth Messages” * ANTI-BULLYING * MOTIVATION * CHARACTER * RESPECT NO HOLDEN BACK, LLC PRESENTS the GO BIG BMX AIR Show Don't miss this exciting BIG AIR BMX Show that is sure to both... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Laser READER

Are you ready for the most amazing reading assembly ever? LASER READER combines a terrific presenter with giant laser illustrations that is guaranteed to have your students on the edge of their seats. It's well established that good reading comprehension rests on... > View Profile

Dinosaur: Diggery Digger's Dinosaur Adventure

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for anti-bullying, STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! Immersive Adventure While Paleontologist Diggery Diggers is showing his fossils to a live audience, he discovers a “top secret” box the museum... > View Profile

Literacy: Reading Is Magic: ATTACK OF THE BOOKWORMS

Reading Is Magic: ATTACK OF THE BOOKWORMS  What happens when bookworms go bad? It's up to your students to save the day.  They will need the help of Mr. Dennis and a little magic, silly storytelling, puppets, wacky bookworms, funny surprises, a little music, a... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: The Road To Success: Six Keys Of Character

Character Education has never been more important - or more memorable. Your students learn about Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Trust, Friendship and Good Citizenship in this fun program filled with music, magic, puppets and more. Audience volunteers are used throughout the... > View Profile

Reward Assemblies: The Original Magic Of Science Show

The Original Magic Of Science:   Our Classic Fun-Filled Science Show. This is the program that made Mr. Dennis the most in-demand school assembly presenter in the Midwest. Is it a magic show, or is it a science assembly? It's Both! Using math, physics and... > View Profile
