lists elementary, middle and high school shows, programs, workshops and assemblies.

This site is free for schools to use and free for workshop providers to advertise.

You can search by category, location and age above.

To send your inquiry to your chosen provider, please complete the contact form on the specific workshop page. You need to complete a form per provider.

If they can meet your requirements they will be in touch. If they can’t help this time, the inquiry is sent to other providers in the same category in case they can assist you.


    Fun Day: Lasermania Show!

    Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. When it's time to reward your students for working so hard, LASERMANIA is the ticket. An exciting reward assembly during the day or a rockin' family fun event in the... > View Profile

    Anti Bullying & Life Skills: TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly Program

    Infused with the student created films that made TEEN TRUTH a leader in educational content, the TEEN TRUTH: Assembly Experience uses engaging storytelling, real world examples, and audience participation to teach students how to identify different... > View Profile

    Dance: Dare To Dance Interactive School Assembly

    Over 2 million students have been excited, engaged and energized by the Dare to Dance Assembly!  Highly interactive, this fun, one-of-a-kind assembly will have everyone movin' and groovin' through time with all the favorite songs and popular dances from the 1950's thru today's... > View Profile

    African: The African Natural World

    The great continent of Africa is under severe threat! And even though it's half a world away we can still be concerned and learn about some of the creatures and the habitats that make up this wonderland. This program uses live animals like pythons, frogs and turtles combined... > View Profile

    Animal: Curious Creatures

    New England's original Interactive and Educational Live Animal Program Our staff of experienced and professional exhibitors teach respect and appreciation for exotic and unusual animals.  Our presentation is hands-on, interactive and can be tailored to meet your... > View Profile

    Dance: Capoeira

    This energetic program highlights three principal elements of Brazilian history and culture: music, martial arts, and dance. Master performers drum out rhythms steeped in history and brought into the present through artful interpretation. Their movements are smooth, seemingly... > View Profile

    Earth Day, Eco & Environment: Geography Blast!

    Gordon takes students on a magical trip around the world. During this show students will visit the seven continents, with and emphis on geographical knowledge. Topics Covered: 7 continents, names and locations Equator, North Pole and South Pole Northern and Southern... > View Profile

    Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Stand-Up For Kids

    Stand-Up For Kids is a hilarious, unique high energy stand-up comedy show that teaches K-5 children about the importance of Strong Character, Life Skills, Self-Esteem, and how to be a S.T.A.R. student and citizen in life, all through the art of live stand-up comedy!  Michael... > View Profile

    Magic: Dennis Regling’s Family Fun Show

    Sometimes you just need a fun family magic program as a reward assembly or to highlight an evening program. We offer a squeaky-clean show that features traditional magical marvels with puppets, games, surprises, and audience participation. “The Family Night Magic Show... > View Profile

    Earth Day, Eco & Environment: OCEANS & SHARKS ROCK - Virtual Option Too!

    An extraordinary multi-media interactive, up-close experience - for PreK thru 8th grade. With Museum exhibits of massive, cool sea creatures as the backdrop. Plus, even in a virtual format, it's still HANDS-ON as we ship sea fossils & seashells directly to you for... > View Profile

    Virtual Shows: Virtual Brain Wash Game Show

    Distance learning has become a daily routine these days. But a Brain Wash Virtual Game Show can make students day anything but routine. We have taken 5 of our most requested games and combined them into one big “Party Pack” virtual game show. We still quiz the kids... > View Profile

    Recommended Providers: Test-Busters: Test Preparation Assembly

    Are you looking for something to help motivate, encourage, and relieve your students from the stress of taking the State Test? Great Assemblies & Dennis Regling have a new, interactive and exciting show to help your students have the confidence and the tools they need to... > View Profile

    Red Ribbon Week: Red Ribbon Week Youth Speaker

    As a Author of the book "Clean, Sober, and Native" Dennis now speaks to Schools and Youth and alchol and drug addiction.   > View Profile

    Dance: Carnival Dance Demonstrations, workshops and performances

    DRUMMING AND DANCE WORKSHOPS AND PERFORMANCES Choose a workshop or performance that steeps your pupils in the life and cultures of Africa, South America, Cuba and South Asia and the percussion and dance styles they gave rise to. Performances: Full costume... > View Profile